Did you know?
Renewable energy solutions and power generation services adds asset value to a property, results in faster lease-up and incrementally higher rents.

There is good, credible market information to support this fact.

Solar energy can be one of the best capital investments you can make.
Fully Managed and Financed Solar Energy Systems
ArcStar Manages the Design, Construction and Operation of Grid-Tie Solar Energy Systems to Serve Commercial Facilities

ArcStar provides fully managed ultra-reliable Grid Tie systems that remain interconnected with the utility grid. We advise our client on the optimal structure to benefit from financing these systems internally or fully finance them on their behalf.

(Note:  ArcStar Energy's solutions are based on Photovoltaic (PV) technology. PV systems use solar electric panels to directly convert the sun's energy into utility grade electricity for use by a commercial enterprise.)

Grid-tie systems are able to exchange electricity with the local power utility, bringing in extra power when it's needed or sending it back when the solar energy system is producing more than is needed. This outgoing power is valued at the same commercial rates charged by the utility and is credited to the customer.

>> Next step: The Main Components of a Grid-Tie System